TEDxFreiburg 2023

This was TEDxFreiburg 2023…
…and this year there were plenty of new things. For the first time, we were hosted by our friends at Kreativpark Lokhalle Freiburg on July 2nd, 2023. Our new location also came with a reduced number of tickets in order to offer an even more intimate atmosphere. But some things did stay as always: six interesting talks and one live music performance, great people and an inspiring event.
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“Together for Tomorrow”
Our theme 2023 emphasized the importance of collaboration and community spirit to create a better tomorrow. In times of global challenges that affect us all, it is more important than ever that we unite as a society and find solutions together to shape a sustainable and positive future. Our speakers looked at this motto from different perspectives in their talks – with “ideas worth spreading” from and for Freiburg”!
Speakers 2023
Danjo | Live in Concert
“Original handmade acoustic music”, that’s the motto of the stage duo Danjo from Freiburg. With double bass, guitar, harmonica and…
Dr. Felix Bertram | The Ugly Face of Beauty
“Beauty isn’t just physical, but also mental, emotional and spiritual.” More and more (young) people want to look like their…
Zsolt Szilagyi | Putting it Simply: Language is for Everyone
It doesn’t matter if it’s authorities, companies or hospitals: they all write complex texts that the “average person” barely understands,…
Johanna Recktenwald | More Courage, Less Fear of Contact
Do you know people with disabilities? How do you behave when you meet a person with a disability? What are…
Ralf Tauscher | Kill the Messenger!
“Our mission is to ensure the internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all.” Known as the…
Alma Spribille | Entrepreneurship as the Ultimate Form of Activism
“You snowflakes can’t do business anyway!”. Alma and her co-founders often heard this sentence when they set out with WEtell…
Max Gulde | Water in Pixels: Optimizing Water Productivity on the Planetary Scale
Max is a physicist with a diverse scientific and technological background, encompassing optics, nanotechnology, and planetary science. With over a…
Partners 2023
Maucher Jenkins
As a pan-European team of patent and trade mark attorneys, attorneys at law and intellectual property litigators, Maucher Jenkins act […]

Verlag Herder
“Spirit creates life” — and in a living tradition, Verlag Herder has been combining tradition with transformation for over 200 […]

Freiburger Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe are supporting us this year. We’d like to say thanks for that! In addition, for […]

The Grünhof is with us again in 2022 to support TEDxFreiburg. Thank you for the partnership, the professional network and […]

Hakuna Matata
Our friends at Hakuna Matata Feinkost Manufaktur help us with a few treats every year to feed the team, speakers […]

Citydruck Freiburg
Citydruck Freiburg supports us in printing our badges and posters. Thanks a lot for this!

Shutterstock is with us again in 2022 to support the TEDxFreiburg speakers with high quality images. Thank you!

Mailchimp provides us with its powerful newsletter marketing tool. Thank you!

WPZOOM support the TEDxFreiburg mission by providing us with their great Inspiro theme for wordpress. Thank you!

TEDxFreiburg on Social Media
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