It doesn’t matter if it’s authorities, companies or hospitals: they all write complex texts that the “average person” barely understands, but many others do not. This means that around 8 million people in Germany are left behind.

TEDxFreiburg talk by Zsolt Szilagyi (German)


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One’s participation in society depends on one’s ability to formulate complex texts simply. The concept that should make this possible is called Simple Language. Zsolt Szilagyi, who grew up multilingual, places communication of complex content at the center of his career. Since 2014 he has been dealing with Simple Language and the possibility of making our world understandable for everyone – regardless of their language skills or cognitive abilities. Zsolt’s talk will be held in German language.

We’re setting up wheelchair ramps out of concrete, but are building walls out of pluperfect. Let’s tear them down!.

Zsolt Szilagyi on our motto “Together for Tomorrow”