Till Hasbach has a clear vision of the future. He wishes to see adult playgrounds: Places where people engage with each other without taking themselves too seriously. In his interactive talk on the TEDxFreiburg stage, he will tell us why playing is relevant when it comes to creating new ideas; why organizations need to learn how to play; why solving problems isn’t always the right approach when it comes to innvoation; and what “serious games” are and how to invent them. Because Till Hasbach is sure: if we relearn how to play in a meaningful way, we will unlock a superpower to tackle the most daring challenges of the future.

TEDxFreiburg talk by Till Hasbach


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Till Hasbach is the developer of Moonshot — The Innovation Game and founder of Playful Business. He accompanies businesses in cultivating a playful innovation culture at the crossroads between game development and consulting. All the while, he likes to combine seemingly paradox things and uses playful methods to create a unique look at the new.

When it comes to the TEDx stage, Mark Rober is a huge inspiration for Till Hasbach. The former NASA engineer is now an extremly innovative teacher, showing how phsyics can be fun and eye-opening. Till Hasbach has set himself a high goal: to have a similar effect on people when it comes to developing and using games in a meaningful way. If you want to keep an eye on his path, be sure to follow him on LinkedIn!

My “silver lining” is what Nietzsche said in 1883: “One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”

Till Hasbach