In a world brimming with challenges, Jonathan Weber-Trebesch and David Bachmann have embarked on a mission towards a sustainable future: by unlocking the power of volunteering. Join them as they unravel the intricacies of why we engage in volunteering, delving into the fundamental aspects of collaboration, learning, and the dichotomy between altruism and egoism. Their talk at TEDxFreiburg 2024 unveils a vision for the future, advocating for a culture of appreciation and thankfulness that extends beyond individual lives into communities. Prepare to be intrigued as they navigate through the profound impact volunteering has on self-concept, offering a tantalizing glimpse into how it enriches lives and contributes to a more sustainable future.
David Bachmann, coinitiator of Foodsharing Freiburg, has been at the forefront of the battle against food waste for over a decade His commitment to social and environmental justice led him to shape the foodsharing movement, elevating dumpster diving to coordinated efforts with supermarkets. He has played a pivotal role in establishing sharing stations all across Freiburg and has mentored countless aspiring food savers.
Jonathan Weber-Trebesch, dumpster-diving pioneer and community collaborator, discovered the transformative power of collaboration within his local grocery store’s dumpsters. Beyond his adventures in foodsharing, Jonathan Weber-Trebesch is a dedicated advocate for social and environmental causes, actively involved with organizations like Greenpeace and the Step-Stiftung.
Both their journeys within the foodsharing community have highlighted the interconnected responsibility we all share in society. Apart from rescuing food, David Bachmann and Jonathan Weber-Trebesch contribute to the foodsharing café and even showcase their talents in the foodsharing band, respectively, as a rapper and either on guitar or piano. Follow David Bachmann and Jonathan Weber-Trebesch on the TEDxFreiburg stage or on Instagram as they share insights gained from years of dedication to the cause and discover how volunteering, particularly in the context of foodsharing, can pave the way to a more sustainable future.
It is not your raw achievements that change the world. Way more deciding are the effects of your actions to inspire all of those who are “within reach”.
David Bachmann and Jonathan Weber-Trebesch about our theme “Within Reach”