Photovoltaics for private individuals — is that even possible? Yes, and it’s quite simple at that, as Sebastian Müller will convince you. Am I even allowed to do that? How low does it take to pay off financially? How do my devices even know which power they need to use? In his “5 steps in 5 minutes”, Sebastian Müller will guide you through all the answers so that you can get started right away. Go ahead: plug in, save energy, spread the word and actively promote the energy revolution together!

TEDxFreiburg talk by Sebastian Müller


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Sebastian Müller was born in Freiburg and still has strong ties to the city. After training as a paramedic, he completed a degree in English, politics and economics. He is also a moderator for child and youth participation. As a city councilor in Freiburg, he advocates for youth participation and against climate change.

My “silver lining” from the current energy (price) crisis is that it will motivate individuals to take part in the energy revolution themselves.

Sebastian Müller