We’ve grown so accustomed to many aspects of our cities that we hardly question them anymore. Asphalt and concrete, cars taking priority, implicit pressure to consume in city centers, rising rental prices and gentrification, and the lack of safety, especially for women after dark.

Inspired by urban development concepts already implemented in various cities worldwide and informed by her own research, Marion Mangelsdorf invites us to stroll with her through the city of our dreams in her talk. In the spirit of: Let’s move our Cities. How can we all contribute to fostering social justice, biodiversity, and gender diversity, making the “right to the city” – as Henri Lefebvre called it – a living reality?

Marion Mangelsdorf is a native of Cologne. A cultural scientist and Scientific Director of the Center for Anthropology and Gender Studies (ZAG), she has been working at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg since 1998. She is also a guest lecturer at the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Basel. Learn more about Marion on her website.

I want to inspire the audience to reflect on what makes for a good life in the city. Where do I feel comfortable? Why? What would I need to improve my life?

Marion Mangelsdorf on our theme “Movement”

My favorite TED Talk


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