Musician. Composer. Coach. Werner Englert describes himself in three basic roles which build the framework for his countless activities. As saxophonist and composer, he effortlessly breaks boundaries and fluently masters all sorts of styles ranging from pop/funk to big band and world music. With seemingly limitless energy he inspires his students and workshop participants all over the globe and keeps engaging in major projects such as “DER SCHREI” with the SWR symphonic orchestra. Besides all that he is a charismatic speaker and coach. As recognition for his outstanding achievements Werner has won numerous prices including the “Bundes Verdienstkreuz am Bande”. 

What have agile teams and jazz bands in common? Quite a bit, explains Werner Englert in his talk “Think Jazz”, in which he wants to invite to act and think like a jazz musician as a leader or member of a creative, self-organized agil team. Using short improvisations with his co-musicians Johannes Maikranz and Frederik Heisler he vividly demonstrates how companies can learn from a jazz band. 

TEDxFreiburg talk by Werner Englert (German)


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